Websites Built

Even I am a data scientist, but I would like building websites and design the layout on my own.  My first website was built  2 decade ago when I was a student.  There are some of my work being shared below.

Companies Under my Management

For the websites below, they have been built by the help of 2 young ladies in Smart Data Institute Limited with the art-works and information update.

  1. – Archsolution Limited is a company specialized in delivering Anti-virus and security solutions.  Also, they are developing some tailored web applications for small businesses.
  2. – the website of Clear Data Science Limited, which is developing big data solution with the vision of transforming data into actions.
  3. – one of the major Data Science consulting companies with clients like Fortune 500, government departments, statutory bodies, listed corporations and other businesses in any size.

Voluntary Work:

  1. Tuen Mun Trend Plaza – this is a website for a private housing estate.  I helped them to build their own website for the residence living there.  It was built in 2013 and running fine up to this moment without single issue.

Personal Interest:

  1. – a website is sharing my knowledge of Hifi Audio, AV Systems and Audio Engineering.
  2. (previously – this is a website focused on classical music appreciation.  The original domain “” was lost during the time facing serious health issue.   However, the ownership of is being obtained again around 9 years.  So, the future development will be done on again.
  3. – a website focused on music appreciation.  Previously, it was focused on classical music only.   Nevertheless, other music categories will be discussed and more music appreciation information will be shared.
  4. – a website is focused on sharing Information Security news and data protection methods.


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