AI / Machine Learning / Deep Learning

Don’t abuse the term “AI” – Artificial Intelligence

There are lots of people introducing themselves as “AI experts” since 2017.  However, I am not sure how many of them are understanding the difference between Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL).  Most of the self-claimed AI experts are doing some ML or DL tasks in a particular area like Object Recognition (image processing).  My opinion is that you cannot say that you are a chef for just cutting vegetables.

For the rest of this article, I will try to describe and compare the following 3 terms:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI),
  2. Machine Learning (ML) and
  3. Deep Learning (DL)

AI / Machine Learning / Deep Learning

Buy Me A Coffee

The figure below is trying to show the difference between AI/ ML / DL

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

According to John McCarthy (1956), AI involves machines that can perform tasks that are characteristic of human intelligence. General AI would have all of the characteristics of human intelligence, including planning, understanding language, recognizing objects and sounds, learning, and problem solving. My personal advice is: please do not abuse the term “AI” if you are not doing it.

Machine Learning (ML)

Arthur Samuel defined the phrase “Machine Learning” in 1959, which states “the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”. The learning process is started by the learning algorithm and task(s) assigned. Then, the computer starts “trial and error ” to achieve the task(s) with the growth of experiences in order to build up the knowledge of problem solving.

Deep Learning (DL)

Deep learning is just the sub-set of machine learning using neural network. To take an example, it is very common for the world’s computer vision projects like Face Recognition by using deep learning to compare a person authorized or guest for a security system.

NOTE: Even AI research was started in 1950s, but the development was slow due to the computing power several decades ago. After 2010s, the computers are fast enough now for doing such complex calculations and/or simulations.

To sum up, I hope that I could give you a general picture about AI, ML and DL. For my own experience, I am working with my team in the area of deep learning for face / object recognition. Meanwhile, we have also started to do an experiment on assigning elevators in a commercial building with machine learning.



Samuel Sum

Data Science Evangelist (CDS, SDi)

Vice President (AS)
